Wildflower Seed Bombs - Guerilla Gardening

Seed bomb balls

What are Seed Bombs?

Seed bombing has a long history, dating back to ancient times when farmers in Japan and other parts of Asia would throw balls of clay filled with seeds onto barren land to help it become fertile. In recent years, the practice has gained renewed popularity as an eco-friendly and community-oriented activity.

Wildflower seed bombing, also known as seed bombing or seed balls, is a technique of planting seeds by dispersing them in small balls or capsules made of clay, compost, and seeds. These seed bombs are then thrown or scattered in areas that need more vegetation, such as abandoned lots, parks, or roadside verges, with the hope that they will germinate and grow into plants or wildflowers. The goal of seed bombing is to promote the growth of wildflowers and other plants that support local ecosystems and provide food and shelter for insects and other wildlife. It's also a fun and creative way to get people involved in conservation efforts and to beautify public spaces. Some have dubbed this "guerilla gardening". 

Seed bombs don't have to include clay. While clay is a common ingredient used to make seed bombs, it's not a requirement. There are many different materials that can be used to make seed bombs, including paper pulp, coconut coir, or even recycled paper.

For example, seed paper is a type of paper that is embedded with seeds, and when planted in soil, it can grow into a plant. This type of paper is often used to make seed bombs, which can be distributed and planted in large quantities.

Another option is to use a mixture of soil and compost to create seed bombs. This method allows the seeds to be planted directly into the soil, which can increase the likelihood of successful germination and growth.

Ultimately, the key to making successful seed bombs is to ensure that the seeds are protected and have access to the nutrients and moisture they need to germinate and grow. This can be achieved using a variety of different materials, depending on the resources available and the intended purpose of the seed bombs.

You can even simply add seeds to a parmesan cheese shaker (the fake wood pulp stuff, right?) and use that to spread around areas. 

Seed bombing has been used to rewild urban areas, such as parks, gardens, and abandoned lots, to help bring back native plant species and promote biodiversity. It is also used for reforestation efforts in areas that have been affected by wildfires or deforestation. In some cases, seed bombing has even been used to promote the growth of crops in rural areas that have been affected by drought or other environmental challenges.

One of the main advantages of seed bombing is its simplicity and low cost. It does not require extensive equipment or specialized knowledge, and it can be done by anyone, regardless of age or skill level. Moreover, seed bombing is a fun and engaging way to promote environmental awareness and community involvement.

How to Make Seed Bombs 

When using wildflower seed bombs, there are a few things that you need to be careful about to ensure that the activity is environmentally responsible and safe. Here are some key considerations:

  • Choosing the right location: It's important to choose a location for your seed bombing that is appropriate for the seeds you are using. This means considering the type of soil, sunlight, and moisture levels in the area, as well as any potential impact on existing vegetation or wildlife. Seek out neglected areas. Many people do this in undisturbed empty or abandoned lots.

  • Using native and non-invasive plant species: Introducing non-native or invasive plant species can have negative effects on the local ecosystem. Be sure to research and use plant species that are native to your area, and avoid species that are known to be invasive.

  • Avoiding sensitive areas: Be mindful of areas that may be sensitive, such as protected natural areas or areas with fragile ecosystems. Avoid planting in these areas unless you have obtained permission from the relevant authorities.

  • Using high-quality seeds: Using high-quality seeds that are appropriate for the area and conditions can increase the chances of successful germination and growth.

  • Obtaining permission: Before using seed bombs on public or private property, obtain permission from the relevant authorities or property owners.

  • Minimizing waste: Be mindful of the amount of waste generated by the seed bombs, and use only as much material as necessary to achieve the desired effect.


Outside Pride Northeast Wildflower Mix

 This is the Northeast Wildflower mix I have, considering I live in the general Northeast of the US. 

It contains:

Snapdragons are beautiful
18% Baby's Breath, Annual
14% Wallflower, Siberian
10% Coreopsis, Lance Leaved
7% Cornflower, Tall Blue
7% Coneflower, Purple
7% Lupine, Perennial
4% Daisy, Shasta 'Alaska'
4% Poppy, Corn, Mixed
3% Pinks, Sweet William
3% Larkspur, Rocket 'Imperial Mix'
3% Indian Blanket
2% Snapdragon, Tall Spurred 'Northern Lights'

2% Gayfeather
2% Catchfly
1% Beardtongue, Hairy
1% Black-Eyed Susan
0.5% Aster, New England
0.5% Sweet Alyssum, Tall White
0.01% Crop Seed
1.02% Inert Matter
0.13% Weed Seed

Can't wait to see how they turn out this year!

Wildflower Seed Bomb "Recipe"

This is a very simple and easy to follow "recipe"


  • Wildflower seeds (choose native seeds suitable for your area)
  • Potting soil or compost
  • Clay powder (bentonite clay works well)
  • Water
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Small measuring cup
  • Baking sheet
  • Parchment paper


In a large mixing bowl, combine 5 parts potting soil or compost, 3 parts clay powder, and 1 part wildflower seeds. Mix well until the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Slowly add water to the mixture, a little bit at a time, until it becomes moist but still holds together when pressed. Be careful not to add too much water, as this can make the mixture too wet and difficult to work with.

Take small handfuls of the mixture and roll them into balls, roughly 1-2 inches in diameter. If the mixture is too dry and doesn't hold together well, add a little bit more water and try again.

Place the wildflower seed bombs on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and let them dry for 24-48 hours.

Once the seed bombs have dried completely, they are ready to use. You can toss them into any area where you want to see wildflowers grow, such as an empty lot, roadside, or your backyard.

Where to get wildflower seeds

You can purchase wildflower seeds from various sources, including online retailers, local nurseries, or garden centers. 

You can find wildflower seed pre-mixtures all over the internet as well. You can find them on Amazon, but I'd prefer to not use them...for several reasons. 

My go to is Outside Pride. They're a small company and actually know what they're doing. I swear this isn't an ad. 

Premade seed balls
Some places even sell premade Seed Balls

Here are a few tips for picking the right seeds for the job:

  • Choose seeds that are native to your region: It's important to choose wildflower seeds that are adapted to the climate and growing conditions in your area. This will increase the chances of successful germination and growth.

  • Look for high-quality seeds: Make sure to purchase seeds from a reputable source that offers high-quality seeds with a good germination rate.

  • Select a mix of species: Choosing a mix of wildflower species will increase the diversity of your seed bombs and create a more vibrant and resilient ecosystem.

  • Avoid invasive species: Avoid using seeds of invasive plant species, which can harm the environment and native wildlife.

  • Consider the planting site: Choose seeds that are suitable for the specific site where you plan to use the seed bombs. For example, if the area receives a lot of sun, choose seeds that thrive in full sun.
Is Seed Bombing Illegal?

The legality of wildflower bombing or seed bombing varies depending on the location and local laws. In general, it is considered a form of guerrilla gardening or unauthorized planting, which may be subject to local laws and regulations related to property rights, public safety, and environmental protection. In some cases, planting on public land without permission may be considered illegal and result in fines or other penalties. Unfortunately, in some cases, it may be considered a form of vandalism or littering if done without permission or in a public area.

However, in many cases, wildflower bombing can be done legally with permission from the landowner or relevant authority. It's always a good idea to obtain permission before using seed bombs on public or private property, and to follow any guidelines or restrictions provided by the landowner or local authorities. Additionally, it's important to choose native seeds and avoid introducing non-native or invasive plant species that could harm the environment.

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